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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Danger of Complacency



                              Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Danger of Complacency

Since the beginning of Islamic revolution or Arab spring (as some analyst call it) across North Africa and Middle East, and the subsequent collapse of some powerful governments and personalities, no doubt, the world has changed for the better. The Islamic reawakening or Arab spring has seriously changed the political and strategic dynamics and destinies of nations and people that were once afraid to voice out their frustration and anger against their state and the unproductive puppetry of international Zionism. The fundamental achievement of the Islamic reawakening is the ability of people to conquer fear amidst fearfulness, hope amidst hopelessness, freedom against brutality and oppression, and the renewal of Islamic faith in a world of secularism by the belligerent Arabs Muslims.

The Islamic reawakening which is being experienced across the Islamic countries has further raised the potentials and dexterity of the Islamic faith in crystallizing the consciousness of the Muslims to challenge injustice, oppression and economic banditry without necessarily following the Al-Qaeda operational mechanism of suicide bombing and the killing of innocent people. To us, the Islamic Reawakening has dwindled the popularity of the Al-Qaeda network and it’s brand of Islamic activism that is neither sanctioned by Islam nor provides any solution to Islamic revivalism; instead the activities of the Al-Qaeda provided the ground for the United States of America and her allies to have the justification to attack Islam and Islamic countries in the last 10 years.

Interestingly, it was not surprising for most us, when the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, rose up to defend some unproductive leaders from falling from grace to grass. Ironically, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ideally ought to be the vanguard and champion of this Islamic reawakening, due to her historical and spiritual attachment to Muslims across the world. Unfortunately, the Saud Family prefers the life of this world rather than assisting the religion of Allah (SWT). Her current support to the illegal regimes in Yemen and Bahrain with both military weapons and armed personnels to crush the Islamic reawakening in these countries, underscores the fact that, the Saud family regime has not really understood the current wave of change that is cutting across the horizons of the world.

No doubt; the Saud family is afraid of the changing wave across the Islamic countries, because if left alone to move the way it is doing, it will definitely uproot the roots of injustice and illegality in the birth place of Islam. This complacency on the part of the Saudi Arabian government is meant to not allow the Islamic reawakening to take its roots in the hearts of Muslims. This is rather sad, because this will definitely assist the enemies of Islam, who are re-strategizing on how to counter the new waves of uprisings in those countries against their prodigal sons and puppets across the Muslims world in order to launch a counter revolutionary measure to thwart Muslims aspiration to survive and exist under an Islamic system of governance after a long ride with evil secularism.

It is rather perplexing to watch with difficulty and frustration, how the Saudi Arabia government invaded Bahrain and now Yemen with military personnel in order to assist the illegal governments that have over stayed their welcome. These Saudi Arabia military personnels are now cracking down, mutilating and killing thousands of protesters in Yemen and Bahrain. This is rather strange in a world that promises to respect the legitimacy of the internal mechanism of nation states. This is not different from Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in the 1990s; which triggered international coalitions against the Iraqi’s leadership. Several death and injuries suffered by the good and spirited people of Yemen and Bahrain, cannot be compared to the initial happenings by the rebellious groups in Benghazi Libya, that led to international response that usurped power from Ghadaffi’s government. It is rather strange that a country that is the Kiblah of Muslims (direction Muslims face when praying) is now seemingly a threat to Islamic reawakening which is unifying the Muslims against international Zionist clan.

The Saudi government is afraid of the spill-over effect of Yemenis and Bahraini uprising to the stability of the Saud family in a changing world of uncertainty. No doubt; both Yemen and Bahrain are of strategic importance to the stability of the Saud family for their stronghold on the economic and political destiny of the Persian Gulf. Yemen and Bahrain regimes has been the stronghold of the Saud Family, in controlling energy, security and Islamic reawakening for her principal, the United States of America in the Persian Gulf, especially after the Islamic Revolution in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Saudi Arabian government on the instruction of United States of America used every deception and scheme to ridicule the Islamic revolution of Iran and frustrated its export to other Islamic countries. They were perplexed with the dexterity of the Islamic teaching to uproot an unjust and ungodly government through a mere peoples’ protest and demonstration. This achievement got rooted in the minds of the Muslim youths who wanted the illegal government in their respective states to follow suits; but, the propaganda and deception against the Persona of Imam Khomeini and the new founded Islamic state gained acceptance among the ignorant people. That is when the Sunni/Shia rivalry and the 8years war between Iran/Iraq was promoted to divert the attention of the Muslims, on the changing dynamics of Islamic Renaissances. Unfortunately, for the Saud Family, 32 years after such deception and propaganda, the immortal teachings of Imam Khomeini has captured and reawakened the consciousness and dexterity of people against illegal governments across the Muslim world.

Therefore, dislodging President Ali Abdullahi Saleh’s regime, who, in the last 30 years has improvised against his country’s achievement of any meaningful development, will definitely affect the stability of Saud regime. It has b 144on record that the Saud Family often destabilizes and stops Yemen from achieving any meaningful development and freedom, due to the spill- over effect of such development to Saudi Arabian citizens. Secondly, the Southern Yemen is home to majority of Shias, who share close affinity with their Shia brothers in Southern Saudi Arabia, where the huge oil wealth that is sustaining the kingdom is located, but, the people are not only impoverished, but,  the government has seriously stopped the people from practicing their religious believes based on their understanding. Thirdly, Ali Abdullahi Saleh has been a staunch supporter of the United States of America and the illegal state of Israel and the so called war on terror against the Muslims. The Yemeni regime, has received billions of dollars in military aids to crush Islamist groups, who are championing the course of Islamic governments and revivalism.


On the other hand, Bahrain presents us with a unique case of a country that has become the backyard or extension of the United States of America’s military and therefore of strategic importance. Bahrain is home to the US’s largest naval ship, the 5th Fleet, which was stationed to guarantee global energy security in the straits of Homuz; a pipeline line where 40% of global energy passes through. Also, the United States of America saw Bahrain as a country with strategic importance in countering Iranian military, political and diplomatic maneuvers in the Persian Gulf. Both Saudi Arabia and United States of America governments were counting on the fact that, Bahrain will not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Shia majority due to the dangers of unity by the new Bahraini government and the Islamic Republic of Iran, based on their ideological inclination. It is interesting to say, Bahrain is home to over 80% of Shias but, ruled by the 20% Sunni caliphs. Finally, Bahrain is strategically of importance in safeguarding the illegal and genocidal state of Israel from the united global front in pursing justice and end to genocide against Palestine and the rest of Arab Muslims.  These facts have been the reasons for Saudi Arabian support to the government of these countries. Any change in the structures of governance in these states, will not only change the political and strategic dynamics, but, will definitely affect energy security especially to Europe and Americans whose survival depends on the cheap and uninterrupted supplies of energy from this most important region, the Persian Gulf, that produce 60% of global energy.                         


It may be recalled that it is the same Saudi Arabian government, that have been frustrating the Organization of Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC), from asserting her independence from the indirect control of the United States of America and her allies, who purchase the energy sources at a give away price. The Saud family also has an arm in so many investments across the United States of America, especially in Weaponry which has been used to kill the Muslim brothers and sisters across the globe. To the Saud ruling Family, investment and material acquisition is worth the blood and suffering of the belligerent Muslims across the globe. There is no doubt; Saudi Arabia has the capacity to call the attention of United States of America and the illegal state of Israel to stop the genocide and carnage in Palestine or the Kingdom will place an energy embargo, as it had done in 1970s during the time of King Faisal, who was later assassinated by his nephew. The impact of the oil embargo led to global economic recession of the 1970s; which taught the world, especially the developed countries a bit of development lessons. I believe if the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can place such embargo now, I bet, the United States of America will call her illegal child (the state of Israel) to order and recognize the statehood of Palestine. But, the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques seems to be comfortable with the hopelessness and bloodshed taking place in Palestine.    Although, it is not surprising to most of us that know the strategic tactics of the enemies of Islam.

No doubt; the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been the biggest problem to Islamic unity and development. Since the foundation of the Saud dynasty was laid in Saudi Arabia after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire; this family has been at the front in disuniting the Muslims through obnoxious Islamic doctrines that seem to be antithetical to the true teachings of the Prophet (saw). The Saud family through the Wahabanian and now Salafiyyism doctrine of Islamic extremism has exported a lot of unIslamic feeling of intolerance and violence among the Muslims. For example, it is within the premise of the Wahabian doctrine to kill or call a fellow Muslim an unbeliever (even if he has all the qualities of true Muslim), if he disbelieves in the teaching of Wahabism. That is why in our own small community of Muslims in Nigeria, disunity among the various Islamic sects is the major conflict among the Muslims. Instead of promoting the real teaching of monotheism, morality, tolerance, love, unity, brotherhood, charity, willpower, courage endurance, composure, modesty, generosity, altruism, sincerity, good wording and respects to ourselves and our brothers and sisters from the Christian faith; the Saudi Arabian Islamic brand of Wahabism, has endangered and fractured Muslim solidarity, collaboration and unity, which are paramount to Islamic expansion and development over the years. After all, the Wahabian brand of Islamic extremism and intolerance are the direct offshoot of Al-Qaeda and now Boko Haram in Nigeria. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda network was the creation of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian government created the Al-Qaeda as a contribution to the United States of America’s quest to crumble the Soviet Union during the cold era and the Soviet Union war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. I think we can check a book written by Haruna Rashid called “Taliban”, which is an account of the formation of Taliban by an insider, who saw it all.

 The Saudi Arabia is at the danger of complacency, in a world that is fast changing. The Saud family regime and government must be ready to accept change and realize the fact that power belongs to the people. The government must realize that there is a global reawakening and unity against injustice, oppression, subjugation and unproductive leaders that have nothing to contribute to their people rather than impoverishment and hopelessness. It is sad that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to host President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Riyadh; against the wishes of her people. At least if not for anything, the government of Saudi Arabia should have restrained meeting Ali Abdullah Saleh in public for the memories of those that were killed by his security forces. Meeting him and giving him military support, only shows that, the Saudi Government is against change and fails to realize the changing dynamics of the rise of the peoples’ power and Islamic reawakening taking place across the Muslim land. I believe instead of sending troops to other countries, the government should begin their internal reform of equitable distribution of wealth of the nation rather than to sustain the luxurious lifestyle of the unproductive Princes and Princesses in the kingdom. The Saudi Government must stop this complacency and channel her energy towards assisting Islamic reawakening and consciousness into the minds and souls of the Muslims. And finally, the Saud dynasty must draw lessons on the fall of Pharaoh of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, and Ali Zanul Abeedinah, who had worship and served the interests of global Zionism, but, the wave of the peoples’ power has washed them into historical oblivion without any assistance from the Zionists agents.

Inherently, the Saud family knows vividly, that, Allah (SWT) Has promised to protect His religion.  That is why as the Muslims face Saudi Arabia in their daily worship, so also should the government look in the direction of the belligerent Muslims whose body and psychology are daily mutilated, destroyed and killed by forces that are against Islamic Reawakening, in Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Somalia. If the Saudi Arabia regime continues with her complacence; then definitely it will not survive the current wave of Islamic reawakening cutting across the globe. There is no doubt; the 21st century belongs to Islam, whether we the Muslims like it, contribute to it or not; Allah will raise few people among us, that love Him and he loves them, to establish His Proof and Religion in this unjust world. It is our prayers and hopes that we will be among such distinguished group of people. It is my prayers, the belligerent masses of Yemen and Bahrain will achieve victory against unproductive and unIslamic personalities who are pretending to be the promoters of Islam. Amin.

Bukhari Muhammed Bello Jega

Writes from Wuse Zone 4, Abuja