By Mahfuz Mundadu
The garbage that litters the essay written by one Dr. Abdussamad Umar Jibia will ever remain a classical case of petite mind growing tinier by a Nano-second. After all nothing comes out of a trashcan but trash.
If a theory that says some people turn to comics for five minutes in every 24 hours of the day is anything to go by, then one will be constrained to believe that such a junk must have been scripted within such an unenviable timeout where common sense went on sabbatical in a wonderland.
The author of this fairytales called “Open Letter to General Muhammadu Buhari” published by Leadership on May 12, 2015 reveals a growing body of multifactorialwitlessness reinforced by a blind animosity to anything that eludes what remains of his blurred and dwarfed intellectual horizon. First Abdussamad started by pretending to be congratulating General Muhammad Buhari for his victory over the Clown-in-Chief that almost led this country to a theatre of incendiary. Fair enough. Then come some words of “advice” that can at best be described as a honey garnished with venom.
For twelve consecutive years that GMB has been struggling to bring the inglorious reign of terror to its abrupt end, Dr. Abdussamad was conspicuously missing in action. Now that GMB has emerged as the undisputed winner in a landslide victory, some political prostitutes and quasi-do-gooders have shamelessly started parading and loitering so as to be noticed. To Abdussamad the cleverest way to market his miserable self is to be a self appointed adviser. And of cause when you hold a hammer all problems look like some nails.
Abdussamad has been infected and injected with takfiri brand of faith that sees anybody having a different understanding in matter of faith or even a mere opinion on certain mundane issues as not just an enemy but also a legitimate target that must be destroyed. Think ISIS, ISIL, Al-Qaeda and what not.
Lacking in philosophical dynamism and intellectual vitality to engage in civilized discourse that may possibly or probably lead to mutual understanding and synergy towards the collective good of humanity, the monster with pseudo-academic regalia resort to playing the role of agent provocateur.
What Abdussamad failed short of appreciating is that being an electrical engineer is not synonymous with being an authority in a matter of religion. Particularly so, that such a person earned his credentials by being “proficient” in copy and paste. After all to such an intellectual fraud copying from one source is plagiarism, but copying from many sources is research that could pass as thesis and dissertation. Otherwise we will have expected Abdussamad to mention ONE…just ONE of his contributions in academia that contributes to the body of knowledge that qualifies him for the title he is always in a hurry to flaunt.
An electrical engineer that will never pass for a grade 3 technicians in a vocational institution worth the name will surely find refuge in a profession where all it takes to claim the title of scholarship is to be proficient in being a takfiri imbecile.
I deliberately refused to join issues with Abdussamad on the origin and history of Shia. But to unpolluted mind books like: 1) Right path; 2) Peshawar Night 3) Ask Those Who Know and the Qur’anic commentary of Surah 98 verse 7 of DurrulManthur will surely wet the appetite of any student that seeks to know and is willing to accept the Truth.
On the endless list of baseless allegations against the revered personality of Sheikh Zakzaky and his disciples I challenge Abdussamad to come up with incontrovertible evidence in support of his claims. Anything short of that confers on him the unenviable title of Fãsiq. Yes Fãsiq! Why? You may ask me. Why not… I would have answered, and add “And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses, flog them (giving) eighty stripes, and do not admit any evidence from them ever, and these it is that are the Fasiqs – transgressor (Sura Noor Verse 4).
You accused us of obstructing the flow of traffic during our activities. But you find it difficult to appreciate the fact that even GMB is “guilty” of such a crime. If you do not know that then, you must have missed his campaign outings, Coast to Coast.
You made mentioned that His Eminence Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky is a graduate and you failed to add…a first Class material for that matter. You alleged that Shia faithfuls are troublemakers yet engage in legitimate pursuit of earning their livelihood. You even confessed that some of the Shia faithful run a successful Engineering firms. But you do not become a qualified, skilled, experienced, registered, certified and chartered engineer by being a troublemaker. So “innakum la fiyqaulinmukhtalif. Yufaku anhu man ufik” (Most surely you are at variance with each other in what you say…(Sura Dhariat verse 8-9).
Your verbal diarrhea against the Islamic Republic of Iran is amusing. But look around and see what happens at the international scene. Palestine Muslims are mostly Sunnis yet it is Iran not Saudi Arabia that openly supports their quest for self-determination. While Kind Salman of Saudi Arabia is busy bombing Yemen Iran remains the only nation that comes to their rescue. Yet it is Iran not Saudi America that is dangerous to Islam, Muslims and the world at large. Those that you lecture on control engineering and instrumentation deserve our pity for the garbage you upload to such unsuspecting body and soul.