By Dr A. Danladi
Few months ago, one Anayochukwu Agbo of the Tell magazine was commissioned to carry a malicious and defamatory script to tarnish the image of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria.
Similar or almost the same mischievous articles were reechoed by other print media. This time around it is a combination of Konye Obaji Ori and Charles Idem of The African Reporter that have been given the dirty job. The same allegations of Iranian backing and arming the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) are carried, only that this time more carelessly and recklessly.
In their write up, they asserted that “Nigeria could face another terrorist threat posed by the pro-Iranian Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN), whose apparently deepening ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hezbollah signals further danger for a region that is already unstable”. Who stand to know whether Nigeria could face terrorist attack? Is it the Nigerian “intelligence” or a crop of unapprised careless journalists? Unless the writers are telling the world that their masters that have been killing innocent people under the guise of Boko haram are not satisfied with their nefarious activities will continue same in the name of Islamic Movement in Nigeria. Similarly, the writers purported that the IMN has been gathering “intelligence on United States and Western expatriates in Nigeria amid fears the group is plotting violent attacks. It may interest the writers to know that in the over thirty years of the existence of IMN it has never attacked anybody nor has it taken arms. It is a movement based on the principles of Islam guided by divine teachings which does not propagate the ideology of attacks on innocent people as they may want their readers to believe.
The pictures of arms displayed in the malevolent write up have not been linked with writing; however it is apparent they are there to abuse the minds of the readers as belonging to IMN. The reckless writers made mention of ships loaded with arms and heroin “smuggled” for the Islamic Movement. One may wonder if the writes cared to check with the court of law in Abuja which has since discharged and acquitted those accused of the arm deal scandal. You may ask your masters or at least those that care to think can weapons be used to draw the allegiance and unreserved love of people? The millions of followers of revered personality of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakakzy that are giving your maters sleepless night could not have been gathered using arms. We therefore reiterate that arms have no place in the IMN. The Islamic Movement in Nigeria is not a product of CIA or MOSSAD like Al-Qaida
As for the “ready- made martrys known as hurras” that you are jittery about. They are but a group of volunteer members of the IMN that have the responsibilities of seeing to smooth and hitch free gatherings. Similarly, they control traffic to facilitate free flow of vehicles due the large assemblies whenever there are activities.
Elsewhere in their write up, they mentioned that “Jacob Zenn, a consultant on counter terrorism, said Boko Haram and the IMN shared a common enemy in the opposition to Western domination”. Perhaps it is the likes of Jacob Zenn that were contracted to set up Boko haram or are intentionally serving their transcontinental masters by misadvising the Nigerian government on security issues. What the IMN stands for is divine justice and respect for human beings wherever they may be.
On the issue of poverty we challenge the Nigerian government and their Western masters to come out and say there is no poverty in Nigeria. Let them explain how the ample resources and wealth of the nation are being put to use for the benefit of the common man. In fact it is these colossal human and material resources that are copiously available in Nigeria that are of concern and interest to the West and their allies. Through the gimmick of Boko haram, the Nigerian government is usurping the nation resources to provide “security” at the same time provide avenue for the West to come in to the country to “help” fight terrorism. The IMN fully identifies with the flight of the Nigerian citizens and will always.
Reading through the piece by Konye Obaji Ori and Charles Idem left me wondering whether they have done their homework properly. In trying to compare or is it link up Boko haram with the Islamic Movement in Nigeria the asserted that “while its clear that Boko Haram wants Sharia law to be introduced across the entire country, the IMN’s objective in this regard remains vague”. Elsewhere they put it that “Al-Zakzaky transformed IMN from a student group to a mass movement that called for a jihad and Sharia across Nigeria”. It is vague to them whether IMN wants Sharia law, but it is clear to them that IMN has been transformed to a movement that wants Sharia. So, which is which?
The African Reporter and their contractors may need to know that IMN has outlived the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The quest to return to the teachings of Islam as practiced during the time of Sheikh Usman bn Fodio has been there, so the success of the Islamic Revolution under the able leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini gingered the hopes and aspirations of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria. So, Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue to be role model for IMN. Our unreserved respect and allegiance for Imam Khomeini and the Islamic republic of Iran will ever remain.
We may wish to restate that the Islamic Movement in Nigeria is a movement that has its root fully entrenched in the whole of Islam. The aim of the movement is to live according to the teaching and tents of Islam. It uses preaching and dialogue to reach people irrespective of their ethnic, tribal or religious background.
Yes the West and their errand boys in Nigeria are chary of the growth and popularity of the movement and are hell bent on annihilating it. Thus the persistent call to descend on the movement by trying to portray it as being potentially volatile. That is the path of those before us. A glance through history will divulge that the oppressors are always afraid of the oppressed especially when there is a capable and upright leadership like that of Sheikh Zakzaky. You may go ahead with your evil plots but be rest assured that the Islamic Movement will succeed, because on Allah we depend and onto Him we look for help.
Abdullahi Danladi (Ph. D)
Resource Forum
Islamic Movement in Nigeria