By Khald Isa and Mahdi Garba
Eid Ghadeer at Husainiyyah Baqiyatullah Zaria on 18th of Dhul Hijjah 1436. Hundreds of thousands attended the gathering where they listened to the lecture of the Leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem on the event.
He started by congratulating the gathering on Ghadeer which he described as the best of Eids in Islam with appointment of Imam Ali (alaihis salam) by the Prophet (SAWA) as his successor and leader of the Ummah after him.
He cleared many conceptions attributed to the day while mentioning the major events which occurred such as saving of Ibraheem from fire of Namrod; appointment of Yushau as the successor to Prophet Musa (alaihis salam) and Prophet Isa (AS) appointed Sham’unu Ssafa as successor etc.
He said it is also the day for making brotherhood among Muslims as the prophet did in Madina among his companions while reserving Imam Ali(AS) as his brother on that day- the 18th of Dhul Hijjah.
It was on 18th of Dhul Hijjah 35AH Muslims paid allegiance to Imam Ali in the mosque after Uthman was killed.
Sheikh further explained that the issue of Prophet’s successor and Hajj rite were delayed until toward the end of the life of the Prophet and therefore the Prophet ordered companions to attend Hajj with him. What happened during hajj were explained by Sheikh Zakzaky.
Sheikh Zakzaky who start reading the sermon of Ghadir as related by Ahmad bn Ali bn Talib in his book Ihtijaj said Allah has anointed Ali as the commander of the faithful, leader of the Muslims after the demise of the Prophet. He said Ali is the leader of the Muhajir, Ansar and everyone for it’s a commandment of Allah.
He continued reading the sermon saying “O People! Here is the last place for me to stand and speak to you. So listen and obey the commandment of Allah!”
O people! Don’t stop following him. Don’t stay away from him. Don’t be arrogant for he is guardian of the truth and enemy of falsehood. The wailing of wailers cannot compromise him.
O people! There is no knowledge Allah has shield me from and there is no knowledge I know and didn’t disclose it to Ali Imamul Mubin, Imamul Muttaqin.
Allah has informed me what is lawful, unlawful and I inform Ali, the Prophet of Islam has said according to Sheikh Zakzaky.
Sheikh Zakzaky concluded the evening session of the event quoting Prophet Muhammad [s] saying “Allah has forgiven Ali and everyone who believe and follow his path. He is the first person to believe in Islam when I brought the message. Allah will never entertain the confession of one who denied his loyalty”.
After sunset prayers and Thanksgiving Sheikh Zakzaky spoke on the virtues and undespituted status of Imam Ali( alaihis salam). The programme for the day was ended with ziyara of Imam Ali and recitation of Kumayl by Sheikh Zakzaky.