The Leader of the Islamic Movement spoke further on the Karbala incidence on Sunday the 21 of Muharram 1435. He spoke on what happened when Ahlulbayt(AS) were taken to Kufa as captives.
Earlier, the families of Imam Husain(AS) spent night at the plain of Karbala as their tents were razed. The women and children were taken as captives to Kufa while the heads of the martyrs were put on spears and headed there too.
Upon their entrance to Kufa as captives, people came out to see the captives. Aliyul Bn Husain(AS) were among those taken to Kufa as he was not killed due to his worsen condition of health. Hassan Muthanna was among them who was spared too. Zayd and Amr the children of Imam Hassan (AS) were among them, according to report.
The Kuffans cried when the saw them, however Imam Zaynul Abidin rebuked them for being treacherous . Sayyidah Zainab(SA) too addressed them with words of wisdom for their futile cry while leaving the family without help. She spoke to them for futile weeping and crying will not be of help to them for their treachery.
The people of Kuffan were faced still with more challenges from the family of Imam Husain like Umul kulthum, Sayyidah Fatima As-Sughra for the worse crime they committed by killing the Best of Creatures on earth after the Holy Prophet. Sayyidah Zainab spoke with Kuffans pointing out the gravity of their crimes of killing Imam Husain and his family members after killing Imam Ali(AS) in the past- a crime which attract nothing except the wrath of Allah upon them. The killers took pride in killing the chosen people of God, whom Allah has honoured, for no crime they committed. The prayers against the people of Kufa, by thier victims, was that there will be calamities upon calamities in this world for their crimes before greatest torment on the Day of Judgment. They all cried and beg her to end her sermon.
After sermon of Sayyidah Zainab(AS), then Sayyidah Fatimah As-Sughrah(SA) and Ummul Kulthum(SA) then Imam Zainal Abdin(AS) took the stage and delivered a lengthy sermon to the people of Kufa, a speech full of wisdom in which he proclaimed his lofty status and that of his parents.
He outlined the many virtues of Imam Husain-the victim of Karbala genocide. His sermon invoked more crying and weeping from the people around. The people arround, in a remorseful manner, wanted to pay allegiance and promised to help him if he could claim his right again, Alas, Imam Zainil Abidin could not agree with such a treacherous statement as they failed to do it when the help was most needed. They killed his father Imam Husain and pain was still fress and now promising help for him!!!- big treachery which Imam knew about.
He only demanded from them that they should neither side with others against Ahlulbayt nor should they be among the Ahlulbayt. They should not be happy with what happened with Imam Husain(AS) for hell fire awaits he who does such.