Home » Activities » Activities-conference, ta’lim, Processions etcThe Islamic movement in Nigeria has strong representations under the able leadership of some of its most dedicated and educated members in various towns and cities consisting mainly of the youth and middle aged of the population. Older people also remain sympathetic towards the ideals of the movement even while not participating in the active struggle the movement is involved in.
To maintain these teaming follower ships in top moral and spiritual form so that they present the best example of Muslim individuals and community, their times are occupied with various activities such as Ta’alimat, Ijtima’at, Dauras, Pre or Post Khutbats and Muzaharats to mention but a few.
Below is a more detailed explanation of some of these activities: –
This is a study session that takes place in mosques usually a number of times in a week. The particular days of the week taken for this activity is a matter of convenience and differs from place to place. The kind of book to be studied on each day may also differ but generally books such as Jundullah of Sa’id Hawa, Riyadhu Saliheen of Imam Nawawi, Arba’una Haditha of Imam Khumaini, and Tafsir (commentary of the holy Qur’an) are studied in most towns. There is also the Ta’alim Khass where choice number of Brothers and other times Sisters are trained on certain books of Faith and Jurisprudence.
This is also another study session but this time more intensive. Brothers gather in mosque spend some days making deep study of the books mentioned in the above section as well as engaging in intensive spiritual exercise and devotion. Some physical exercises are also embarked upon to inculcate a culture of endurance. At the end of the ijtima, usually on the last night a brain storming session takes place where various problems facing the movement in that particular locality are discussed and solutions are proffered. Usually participants come back home changed and full of spiritual illumination.
This usually takes the form of seminars and workshops that takes some days. A particular theme is chosen and speakers from various places and backgrounds are invited from within and outside the movement to give lectures on sub themes. At the end of the program the spiritual leader of the movement sheikh Ibrahim Elzak-zaki comes and close the program with an inspiring speech.
Pre or Post Khutba
It is the practice in most mosques in the Nigeria on Fridays during the Friday prayer service, a preacher or a number of preachers would stand up at various locations within and around the vicinity of the mosque preaching on various issues to people that can listen to them before the Khudbat begins. Members do take advantage of this practice and talk to people about what the movement is all about and other issues happening at the moment within the country. It is mostly during this time that all conspiracies being perpetrated against Islam and the people, nationally and internationally, as well as corrupt practices of the ruling class are brought to the fore and explained in local languages. Where it is not possible to do this before the Khudbat due to one reason or another, it is done after the prayer service before people disperse. Thus the name pre or post Khudbat.
Muzaharats (Processions)
This is a political activity of the movement and involves mass demonstrations against or for national or international issues that are of concern to the Muslims, as well as in solidarity with oppressed section of the Muslim Ummah such as the Palestinians and Iraqis. Demonstrations are also done to mark certain events such as Quds Day and Ashura Day. Muzaharats are accompanied with other activities such as rallies at the end of the mozaharats and distribution of handbills explaining reasons behind the demonstrations. Sometimes these demonstrations do not end peacefully as they are started; this is particularly so whenever the authorities send in their agents of oppression to crack down on the unarmed demonstrators. This sometimes results in heavy casualties on the part of the movement with many being martyred and many injured.