By Buhari Bello Jega.
Right now there is a very serious threat to global peace… a new cycle of colonial wars, which started in Libya with the sinister objectives of refreshing the capitalist global system – President Hugo Chavez After my last visit to People’s Republic of China and the adequate preparation I saw, the Chinese were making towards overtaking the United State of America in all indexes of development and economic outreach and financial war chest of 39.8 trillion RMB, an equivalent of 5.8 trillion US dollars in GDP. This financial resources are not necessarily needed internally in China, but were meant for oversee investment and capital
accumulation especially in Africa; because from the perception and analysis of Chinese policy director from the Ministry of Commerce, I knew vividly the attention is on the resources of Africa. With this reality, I begin to have this feeling that; African is yet in another circle of recolonization.
The African continent from the time immemorial has always attracted the attention of the world major powers, due to the abundant mineral and human cum market potentials.
Historians, political scientists and sociologists often argued that the reasons for the colonization of the Africa continent in 19th century lie on three principal objectives namely: political, economic and religious reasons.
These analysts were however, critical on the economic reason as the major reason for the scramble and partitioning of the African continent by the major powers. Colonialism, no doubt, divided Africa territorially, subverted her politically, contained strategically and frustrated her economically. Fifty – seven (57) years after independence (while in most African countries like
Nigeria fifty two –three (52-53) years history is about to repeat itself, with these three reasons also reechoing themselves
in the gradual recolonization of the continent while unfortunately, African is still looking like a house under construction.
History is about to repeat itself; where superpower and economic powerhouse will yet again scramble, partition and struggle for the soul of the African continent. The battle for the soul of Africa this time around will be between old colonial masters led and captained by the United State of America and our new emerging
friends from the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations and Islamic Republic of Iran, led and captained by the People’s Republic of China. The economic transformation of China has not only shocked the apostle of capitalism, but, the world seems to be impressed with the Chinese economic model of reciprocal gestures. The Chinese economic and political penetration in
Africa is not only given African former colonial masters including the United State of America sleepless night, but, posed a great danger to their economic and military holds of the continent. According to Razia Khan, the regional head of research for Africa at Standard Chartered Bank, bilateral trade between Africa and China is nearing $200 billion annually, having grown at an average rate of 33.6 percent per year over the past decade. What’s more, in the coming years Africa stands to become China’s largest trade partner, surpassing both
the EU and the U.S. As the presumptive next U.S. Secretary of
State, John Kerry, noted during his Senate confirmation hearing, the U.S. is knowingly playing from behind.“Now with
respect to China and Africa, China is all over Africa — I mean, all over Africa. And they’re buying up long-term contracts on minerals, on … you name it,”
Africa is China’s success story. The history of US/Africa relations has been that of pioneered destabilization, crises, conflicts and debts, which left an ugly sight for Africa image. Ironically, the
Chinese are offering new incentive and promise of developmental reciprocal mutual development that benefits both the Chinese and Africa through dam, bridges, roads constructions, soft loans without conditions, and aid package without much publicity; while the African states will provide the necessary access to their resources for the Chinese business men and women. There is no
doubt; Chinese economic package look appealing for most African leaders, which prompt, almost all African leaders to assembled at 2009 China – African Summit and other subsequent summits which China promise over $10 billion naira loans to the continent; reechoing President Robert Mugabe famous statement that “we have turned East, where the sun rises, and given our back to the West, where the sun sets.”
Africa is now the epicenter of global economic confrontation
and ideological battle. A continent rich in mineral and human resources but lacks the industrial and developmental potentials; thus, making her the target of global economies of large scale. Battling for the soul of Africa will be a major event that will shape the 21st century geopolitical and strategic economic of large scale. Whosoever, control the soul and material resources of
the continent, will definitely control the global economic and market potentials. The United State of America is neck deep in direct confrontation with the People’s Republic of China on the control of the soul of Africa.
There is no doubt at the centre of this battle lies the control of waterways and energy security.The expanding economic and industrialization of China, India, Brazil and Russia is putting pressure on energy security, thereby threatening the monopoly and flow of energy in global market. China and India are accounting for over 40% of energy consumption in the world. This will posed a threat to American and European hegemony in a world that is fastly changing. Interestingly, with Middle East embroiled in conflicts and Islamic awakening, the safest place for energy security and capitalist development of thieveries and exploitation, is Africa. However, to counter the threat of China in Africa, the United States of America, is now expanding and militarizing the continent through military support, building military base in the continent and creating proxy wars and
insecurity to safeguard her economic and political hegemony in the continent.
The Proposed African Command (AFRICOM) is nothing but, mobile command force to safeguard the energy security of United State of America and her European allies at the Gulf of Guinea. To show her seriousness, the US Defence Department, according to Glen Ford, the Executive Director, Black Agenda Report is busily
training the militaries of Mali, Chad, Niger, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Ethiopian, Gabon, Zambia, Uganda, Senegal, Mozambique, Ghana, Malawi and Mauretania. ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African states, is considering asking the U.S navy to help out with its pirate problem. This is a serious dangerous scenario for a continent that is at the epicenter of violent and conflict.
Ironically, the crisis in Somalia is given the United State of America the pretence of providing military weapons in aids and the notorious drone aircrafts to Somalia neighbours such as Ethiopian, Djibouti, Uganda, and now Kenya to attack and
subdues the so called notorious Al-Shabaz liberation fighter. Somalia is an important, country in Africa, especially its lucrative waterways, where 40% of global energy and shipping line navigate enroute to Europe and America. And also, the Horn of Africa water ways is blessed with abundant fishes and sea
foods. That is why it came to most of us as a surprised when On October 14, 2011, President Barrack Obama announced to the chagrin of global citizens that, United State of America is sending over 100 special force troops to Uganda to battle the notorious Lord’s Resistance Army. And also, the government is
providing the sum of $45 million in military aid.
This is not only confusing, but, underscore the hiding agenda of the United State of America, in using Uganda as a proxy to fight her perceived enemy the Muslim militants Al-Shabaz of Somalia. The current military buildup according to John Pilger, is part of
US National Strategy for Counter Terrorism in Africa where over 60, 000 special forces, including death squads, already operating in 75 countries will be stationed in the continent especially at the Gulf of Guinea.
The French invasion of Mali with the pretense of fighting terrorism is the continuous game of militarization and geopolitical reordering of the Africa continent. While space will not allow us to discuss the Malian chess game, but, the reality of the Malian invasion, is the continuous U.S war on an imaginary terror group
they created and finance. France is the former colonial power, intervening on behalf of Washington to create a permanent base on the Sahel for the new African version of war on terror or resource thieveries and exploitation. This process of escalation is part of a US military and strategic “road-map”, a subsequent stage in the militarization of the African continent, “a followup”
to the US-NATO 2011 war on Libya. It is a project of neo-colonial conquest by the US over a vast area, resource and land crab. No doubt; Mali is a rich continent of tremendous opportunities for big corporations. Mali is an Eldorado of Uranium, gold, petroleum diamond, precious stones, iron, bauxite and manganese; and also provide geostrategic location for the covert U.S operation for it new found war against terror, with Algerian oil and gas in close
purview; thereby, edging her major competitor China from the competitive and lucrative African resources and opportunity.
As U.S tighten her grips on the African continent through military cum geopolitical strategy, they will be confronted, by strong economic and benevolence China, who are determine and working hard to further their economic, political and diplomatic penetration by displacing the United State of America from Africa and global relevance, through assistance and economic doctrine of reciprocity of mutual benefits. With Libyan secured, the next, will be Southern Sudan, Congo, Central Africa Republic, Angola, Algeria, Mali and Nigeria. No doubt, all these countries are battling with various forms of insurgence and insecurity instigated and financed by the United State of America and her allies. That is why I am of the opinion that, the growing insecurity and the threat of the so called Boko Haram, is a direct geopolitical energy security strategy of the United State of American government against her perceived enemies.
Africans and Libyans might be celebrating the death of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, but, Libyan war, will definitely remind
Africans and Libyans over the warning of Colonel Muammar Gaddaf on the recolonization dynamics taking shape on the African continent. To counter this dynamics, according
to Jean-Paul Pougala a Cameroonian writer, in his epic “Why
the West Want Ghadafi Death” argued that; “The US$30 billion frozen by Mr Obama belong to the Libyan Central Bank
and had been earmarked as the Libyan contribution to three key projects which would add the finishing touches to the African federation – the African Investment Bank in Sirte, Libya, the establishment in 2011 of the African Monetary Fund to be based in Yaounde with a US$42 billion capital fund and the Abuja-based African Central Bank in Nigeria which when it starts printing
African money will ring the death knell for the CFA franc through which Paris has been able to maintain its hold on some African countries for the last fifty years. It is easy to understand the French wrath against Gaddafi. The African Monetary Fund is expected to totally supplant the African activities of the International Monetary Fund which, with only US$25 billion, was able to bring an entire continent to its knees and make it swallow questionable privatization like forcing African countries to move from public to private monopolies. Now that the lion of the desert is death, what becomes of these initiatives? Do we have courageous leaders that will carry on with the life changing policies and initiatives?
Ironically, in Eastern, Southern and to some extend West African countries, hopeless African leaders just like their forefathers are mortgaging the future of their children and grandchildren through land concession to mostly European and American farmers.
The economic crisis in Europe and America have made most government in Europe and America unable to provide the subsidy they often give to their farmers, thereby making farming unprofitable, occasioned by competition from Asia and African farmers. So, Africa becomes the only guaranteed destination, for land concession and cheap labour with ease. Most of these farm products mostly in cash crops are harvested on the soil of Africa, exported to European and American for procession into finished goods and re-imported back to the shore of the continent at a higher price, thereby making it difficult for African to witness balance of payment in international trade. While most East African and sub-Sahara Africa countries might be celebrating foreign direct investment; but, a closer look, reminiscent colonial tactics and gradual recolonization of the continent through land acquisition.
On the religious front, the growing Islamic reawakening in North Africa and Islamic movement across the continent especially in Nigeria is a major source of concern to the hegemonic builders and their recolonization dreams. The Islamic reawakening which started in Tunisia and spread across the Islamic world, reawaken the spirit of immortality of Islam in the heart of Muslims. To counter the growing Islamic reawakening and movement, the United State with support from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
Qatar is financing a growing numbers of so called Islamic Jihadists and groups across the continent; thereby creating the panic of terrorism in the continent.
No doubt; the United State of America and her allies feared the Islamic Movement especially the one in Nigeria under the dynamic leadership and spiritual guardianship of Maulana Sayyed Ibraheem Yaqub Alzakzaky (H). The Islamic Movement in Nigeria is waxing stronger, building fortress of unique, energetic, moral and spiritual faithful and could be an impediment to the future
projections of U.S in Africa.
The growing religious intolerant and confusion between Muslims and Christians underscore the volatility of religious violence in the continent, especially, in Nigeria, which has a unique religious crisis and conflicts among and between Muslims and Christians, without the adherence understanding the essence of unity and
tolerant among them. The dangers of religion intolerant sponsored by the same sources both within and outside the country, will be the basis for the gradual balkanization and disintegration of the African continent especially, African most populous country Nigeria. Nigeria is an interesting scenario in the whole recolonization dynamics of Africa.
Nigeria as a country has the resources and human potential to counter any upheaval in the African sub-region; thus, the need to disintegrate the Nigerian state into small Balkans, for easy administering, control and weaken her resistance against the recolonization mantra. Unfortunately, with President Goodluck Jonathan in place, Nigeria will not pose any challenge and threat to the coming economic and ideological enslavement of the continent.
It is equally important to say, Nigeria is the most important country in Africa for hegemonic builders, therefore, they cannot afford losing their grip on the resource and geostrategic importance of the country in their African recolonization dreams.
They are wary of the Persian Gulf experience where a revolution took place in the heart of the most strategic country in region, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The growing Islamic reawakening and the resurgence of spiritual immortality of Islamic faith in the heart of Nigerian Muslims especially members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria under the dynamic and spiritual guardianship of Maulana Sayyed Ibraheem Y. Alzakzaky, Nigeria is at vat of Islamic revolution.
The current security challenges and hopelessness by sinister and imaginary group called the Boko Haram is a direct plan of the US, Israel and others to destroy the goodwill of Islam in the eyes of Nigerians, especially, the Christians, who seem bewilder with the doctrine and practice of Christianity and may look to the direction of fortified Islamic religion for salvation. Boko Haram and other emerging insurgence groups across Africa consciously or unconsciously are playing the scripts of U.S plans and drawn battle against Islam and Muslims. The so called Al-Qeada in the Islamic Maghereb (AQIM) is US creation and funded by US, Israel, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to destabilize the continent for maximum economic and political exploitation of
mineral resource.
However, for us, in Nigeria, we are grateful to Allah for raising a voice that is calling us to salvation and reality. No doubt; that voice from the ancient city of Zaria has broaden our minds, hearts, bodies and souls to the challenges ahead and the
expected victory from Allah (SWT) if we completely returns to him in repentance and strive to protect our religion and humanity from the impeding dangers of recolonization. The leader has informed, reminded and assured us of Allah’s promise and victory. He is patiently waiting for us, as we prepare, change our
attitude for the coming victory against our enemies and their sinister plans against humanity.
On a final note, there is no doubt, Africa holds a lot of promises and can show the world the essence of endurance, patience, poverty, resistance and reawakening and change their
hopelessness and confusion into something better. African future looks uncertain, with the current political, economic and ideological confrontation taking different shapes and dimensions in a global world order. Developed democracies are now facing bankruptcy and it is natural for these nations to seek redemption on their former colonial children, who have refused to grow
into adulthood. So, the scramble, partition and confrontation for the soul and resources of the continent of Africa, will probably provide us with the litmus test to reawaken the big giant from long years of slumber and take the destiny of the continent in our very hands or the yearning and aspiration of the continent will be perpetually mortgaged forever. Is history about to repeat itself
or is Africa on the path of self liberation? Only time and the path we have chosen shall tell!