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Sheikh Zakzaky Closes the 24th Annual Imam Khomeini(QS) Week

The revered leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, his Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem El- Zakzaky (H) delivered the closing lecture of the 24th Annual Imam Khumaini (QS) Week organized by the Movement.

 The occassion was conducted at the Baqiyyatullah Husainiyya Zaria on Tuesday, 25th Rajab, 1434/ 4th June, 2013.

Sheikh, in his opening remarks, called the attention of the audience to note that the date for the demise of Imam Khumaini this year, which is observed based on the solar calendar (4th June, 1434) coincides with the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa Kazeem (AS), which is observed based on the lunar calendar (25th Rajab). The former was a descendant of the latter. What a coincidence! Therefore Malam (H) decided to say some words with regards to the two.
Sheikh, in his brief explanation on the martyrdom of Imam Kazeem (AS), tried to establish the fact that those who are martyred do not commit any evil except that they stand firm on the path of God. Imam Musa (AS)was a highly humble and tolerant person who held back his fury on the actions of foolish people.

 His perseverance has reached unprecedented levels earning him the name Al-Kazeem. This notwithstanding, psycho pants instigated the then ruler, Haroun, popularly miscalled Rashid, exiled Imam Musa and detained him. Reports to the King had it that Imam’s prayers dwelt only on seeking forgiveness .of God to the people. He did not even care to pray against those who detained him.  Tyrant rulers of all ages want people to sell their hereafter to them so that they become partners in the hell fire just like Shaidan. Malam quoted a verse in the Holy Qur’an which exhorted believers that Shaidan is their arch enemy and they must also hold him as such.The ruler ordered the warder to finally poison Imam Kazeem subsequent to which he attained martyrdom.

On the discourse as regards Imam Ruhullah al Musawiy Al Khumainiy (QS), Sheikh Zakzaky (H) reiterated his earlier point that Imam showed to the World that might or power belongs to the people. That was why there was immediate impact of the revolution then in toppling Samouza, Duvalier and Marcos of Nicaragua, Haiti and Philippines respectively.
Malam Zakzaky noted that Imam Ruhullah found that the traditional Shi’ah concerns itself with teaching, learning and fatwas (religious verdicts) on rituals. They absolved themselves from what governed their lives, i.e. politics. Again they had serious lapse on efforts at outreach to other people.The Ruler of Iran, Shah Pahlawiy Reza has given the control of Iranian land and resources to America. Imam resisted such motives through a coordinated da’awah (call). Shah descended upon the disciples of Imam with all brutality but in vain.
The Imam himself had to be exiled to Iraq, Turkey and then Paris in France. Messages of Imam were transmitted against all odds to Iran. people rose and finally Shah had to fled The successful Islamic Republic was established on 11th February 1979.Within short period, Iran was transformed against all odds including the imposed 8- year war with the West’s proxy, Saddam Takriti. Thus the religion is living. Malam emphasized the fact that Imam is a special gift to the World.

Referring to our situation here in Nigeria, Sheik Zakzaky (H) said that the enemies had undermined Islam and are trying to distort it. They want people to consider it as Terrorism. They do this to nullify the effects of religion as exhibited in Iran. They created different Da’awahs to confuse people. They cause all frictions between Muslims and non Muslims and within the Muslims. Malam then assured the audience that all those sinister efforts would not prevent authentic call to prevail.

Sheikh Zakzaky reiterated the fact that the World needed only one Khumaini and it had got it. Imam clearly showed that religion is living with times and NOT dead or comprising of rituals only. Thus the World needs to accept the Fikra of Imam Khomeini.

Dauda Nalado reports.