By Abdullahi I. Wasagu
Iyliya Islamic University based in Najaf, Iraq has honoured leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub El-Zakzaky (H) with a honourary Doctorate degree on Sunday the September 6, 2020. The ceremony took place in the conference hall of the University situated a stone’s throw to the holy Shrine of Ameerul Mu’mineen Ali (AS).
Owing to the restrictions of movement and a large gathering in a measures being taken by authorities across the globe to curb the rapid spread of the deadly Covid-19, the ceremony held via Zoom. A link was made available where the general public visited the Zoom’s site and watched the event life.
Earlier, a documentary of Sheikh Zakzaky was showcased, acknowledging the noble efforts of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky towards Islamic struggling and propagation of the knowledge of Ahlul Bayt in Africa.
Eventually, the Chief Host Assayyid Ayatullahi Muhammad Aliyu Alawy Kargani spoke at length on Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky. He spoke mainly on his fundamental rights violation elaborating how the innocent Sheikh suffered at the hands of Nigerian government decades since and after the pre-planned Zaria massacre of 2015.
"Sheikh Zakzaky is a spiritual leader who leads by example. He is an Islamic reformer who was raised by Allah the Most Omnipotent to fulfill an assignment in Africa region of the globe. He deserves recommendation for his steadfastness towards the path of Imam Hussein (AS)". He said.
Also the vice Chancellor of the University Dr. Sheikh Galib Abdulhusain Na’yma delivered a closing remarks and shed more lights, describing Sheikh Zakzaky as a Prisoner of conscience who lost six biological sons for his course.
At the end of the event, the certificate was presented to the representative of the Foundation of Azzahara Litablig Islam for Africa Sayyed Shu’aibu Muhammad sani.
Prayers were recited to the Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky and his wife